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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

File a Complaint


Complaints we can investigate.

Where we can help:

The Inspector General can only investigate allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, or wrongdoing involving South Carolina State government agencies and their employees in the Executive Branch of State Government (includes public colleges and universities).

We cannot investigate allegations involving the following:
  • Judicial Branch (courts, judges, and certain regulatory agencies),
  • State Legislature (senators and representatives and their staffs)
  • local governments (city and county governments, police departments, sheriff departments, etc.)
  • Federal government agencies and their employees
  • private businesses
  • individuals (who are not state government employees)
  • SNAP fraud (food stamp) Report online to the Dept. of Social Services Inspector General at this link
  • Medicaid fraud (investigated by the Dept. of Health and Human Services)

For complaints involving these areas, please select the following link for Other Complaint Filing Options on our website.

If your complaint is more appropriately addressed by the agency involved, we may refer your complaint to management of that agency, and you may be contacted by the agency.  In some cases we monitor the agency's progress in addressing your complaint and request a written report of the results of their investigation.  We will notify you if your complaint was referred.  However, if you requested confidentiality (see below), we will contact you prior to referring your complaint to request your permission.   

To submit an ONLINE complaint involving South Carolina state government agencies in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH, click the following link: STATE INSPECTOR GENERAL ONLINE COMPLAINT

Although an online complaint submission is preferred, you may also file a complaint by telephone 1-855-723-7283 (1-855-SCFRAUD) or by mail:

Office of the Inspector General
111 Executive Center Dr.  STE 204
Columbia, SC 29210-8416

Your identity, contact information, and confidentiality - We accept anonymous complaints, but in order to act on your complaint we may need to contact you for clarification or additional information.  Therefore, we ask that you provide your contact information.  Our authorizing legislation requires us to protect your confidentiality when you make a good faith complaint alleging fraud, waste, or abuse - unless you waive confidentiality, per South Carolina Code of Laws ยง1-6-100.